Ain't She Sweet

Michael Feinstein - Delightfully Unexpected


Did you ever go somewhere expecting to do or see something and have a completely unexpected experience? Recently a friend called with a last minute invitation to see Michael Feinstein at Carnegie Hall. I love Feinstein. I love Gershwin. It had been a hectic time and I blurted out a "Yes", without thinking about how tired I was until I found myself in a taxi in yet another New York City snowstorm.

Shana Alexander

Shana Alexander

We got settled in our seats and Feinstein did as only Feinstein can do. He sang, taught, cajoled, mesmerized and entertained us. I found myself swaying to the music and so true to Gershwin and Astaire; I journeyed back to my first wedding. It was East Hampton, in the garden of Shana Alexander. A woman who helped shape my very soul. Shana was the first female journalist on CBS 60 minutes Point/Counterpoint with James J. Kilpatrick. And she wrote the book 'Very Much A Lady' about Jean Harris, my first mother-in-law. Hers was an extraordinary career. But always, she was the daughter of Milton Ager, who wrote the songs, 'Ain't She Sweet' and 'Happy Days Are Here Again'.

Shana had known Michael since he was a teenager and introduced me to him many years ago when we all made the pilgrimage from East Hampton to see him at The Regency with Jean for her birthday. After the Carnegie Hall performance we were fortunate enough to go backstage for a brief moment. I had a chance to share with him a special someone we had in common. Our eyes met and we both drifted to a place we hadn’t expected to go that day.