
Ultradian Rhythm

Ultradian Rhythm

Do you wake up, chug some coffee, and fling yourself into a nonstop day of meetings, classes, pick ups and drop offs and before you know it you’re too tired for yoga class, order a pizza on the way home, eat dinner in a haze and at bedtime you’re too wired and tired to sleep, much less have sex? Did you use the bathroom today? Do you remember?

The human body is designed with a 90 to 120 minute attention span, called our Ultradian Rhythm cycle and when we ignore it and override our circuits, we get tired, thirsty, foggy, hungry and cranky.

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Often we reach for Coffee, sugar or carbs for a lift, when what we really need is to STOP. Ideally we should be taking a 15 to 20 minute break in the morning and afternoon. The best case scenario is to lie down in a dark room. At the office? Try tilting the chair back and wear a pair of blue glasses to stop the overstimulation of the lights. Ok maybe I’m stretching, but did you pee this morning? How about a trip to the bathroom and a glass of water. Grab a healthy snack like nuts or nut butter and an apple. Or call, or Skype a friend, call not text, I’m talking about heart connection here, stepping away resets your brain. Leave your to do list alone. Go sit in your car and close your eyes. Your brain will thank you and you will perform better for it. Some employers are creating dark break rooms, because the rewards are that great. The funny thing is children do this naturally, watch your kids, sometimes that’s when you get the best hugs.